About Us

About Sindi

Sindi is a Published Author, Founder, and Chief Executive Officer at Women of Crazy Wealth (Pty) Ltd.

Sindi is also the Founder of Rehoboth Academy of Prophets, and the mother of three phenomenal children.

She is a well-sought-after empowerment specialist, revolutionary thinker, and transformational leader. Her passion for women’s economic and social improvement has placed her on leading speaking platforms in and beyond her borders and she has earned a distinguished reputation as a voice of hope to those who have worked closely with her and nations at large.

She has been featured as a panelist on SABC 1 TV, a panelist for an agriculture symposium hosted in Sierra Leone, a speaker at The United Nations Women Economic Empowerment Forum in 2019.

She has been featured as a panelist on SABC 1 TV, a panelist for an agriculture symposium hosted in Sierra Leone, a speaker at The United Nations Women Economic Empowerment Forum in 2019, speaker at the International Day of the Girl Child in 2017 at the invitation of the Deputy Prime Minister’s office in her country as well as hosted women empowerment events such as “Mastering the business of your talent” and so much more.

She is an African Women Entrepreneurship Cooperation (AWEC) Alumni – Cohort 3 and a Women in Africa (WIA) Laureate for the year 2021. Sindi is a true definition of what the bible refers to in Job 8:7 NIV which reads “Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will be your future.”


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Why choose us


Sindi envisions a more just and peaceful society when actions are moral, rational, equitable, and fair—and when barriers are removed to provide equitable access, treatment, consideration, and opportunity for women of all walks of life.

Published Author

Chief Executive Officer at Women of Crazy Wealth (Pty) Ltd.

Founder and Managing Director

Of Ignite Publications Africa and the Founder of Rehoboth Academy of Prophets

Sought after speaker and panelist on SABC1 TV

The top agriculture symposium hosted in Sierra Leone, the United Nations Women Economic Empowerment Forum and International Day of the Girl Child at the invitation of the Deputy Prime Minister’s office

African Women Entrepreneurship Cooperation (AWEC) Alumni – Cohort 3

Women in Africa (WIA) Laureate

Holds a post-graduate Diploma

Business Management and Administration

Currently pursuing her Bachelor of Arts Degree

In Counselling Psychology at the Eswatini College of Theology

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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